dental retainer cost

Dental retainers play a crucial role in orthodontics, helping maintain the position of teeth after braces are removed or other orthodontic treatments are completed. This guide delves into what dental retainers are, the dental retainer types available, their benefits, care instructions, and common concerns associated with their use. When planning for orthodontic treatment, it’s important to consider the dental retainer cost, which can range from Rs.5000/- to Rs.16,000/- depending on the type and material.

What are Dental Retainers?

Custom-made devices, typically made from plastic or metal wires, dental retainers hold teeth in their new position after realignment treatments. Dental retainers play an essential role in the orthodontic process, preserving the investment in braces or other corrective procedures.

Types of Dental Retainers

There are three primary types of dental retainers: Hawley retainers, clear plastic retainers, and fixed retainers. Each type has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, catering to different needs and preferences. The dental retainer cost varies depending on the type of retainer one chooses.

dental retainer types

Hawley Retainers

Hawley retainers, also known as wire retainers, consist of a metal wire that surrounds the front teeth and an acrylic arch that sits against the roof of the mouth or the inside of the lower teeth. The doctor can adjust the metal wire to finish treatment and make minor adjustments to the alignment of the teeth.


  • Durability: Made from sturdy materials that can last many years.
  • Adjustability: The dentist can adjust the metal dental retainer wire for minor alignment corrections.
  • Easy to clean: Removable and simple to clean thoroughly.


  • Visibility: More noticeable than clear plastic retainers.
  • Initial discomfort: May cause irritation to the roof of the mouth or tongue.

Clear Plastic Retainers

Clear plastic retainers, such as Invisalign or Essix retainers, are made from transparent plastic that fits snugly over the teeth. They are almost invisible, making them a popular choice among adults and teens.


  • Aesthetics: People who are conscious about their appearance prefer retainers that are nearly invisible.
  • Comfort: Generally more comfortable as they lack the metal parts that can irritate the mouth.
  • Protection: Can double as a night guard for those who grind their teeth.


  • Durability: More prone to cracking or breaking compared to Hawley retainers.
  • Fit: You may need to replace them more frequently as the plastic can wear out over time.

Fixed Retainers

Fixed retainers, or bonded retainers, involve a thin wire that is bonded to the back of the teeth, usually the lower front teeth. This type of dental retainer is permanent and cannot be removed by the patient.


  • Permanence: Always in place, providing constant support to keep teeth aligned.
  • No compliance required: Since it’s fixed, it doesn’t rely on the patient to wear it regularly.


  • Cleaning: Can be more difficult to clean around the wire, requiring diligent oral hygiene.
  • Discomfort: Some patients may initially find the dental retainer wire bothersome or irritating.

Dental retainer cost

  • Hawley retainers typically cost between Rs.5000/- and Rs.10,000/- for both upper and lower.
  • Clear plastic retainers usually cost between Rs.8000/- and Rs.16,000/- for both upper and lower.
  • Fixed retainers can range from Rs.10,000/- to Rs.15,000/- for both upper and lower.

Benefits of Dental Retainers

Retainers are a critical part of orthodontic care, offering numerous benefits beyond just maintaining alignment.

Maintaining Teeth Position

The primary benefit of retainers is to keep teeth in their corrected positions. After braces or aligners are removed, teeth have a natural tendency to shift back to their original places. Retainers help prevent this relapse, ensuring that the results of orthodontic treatment are long-lasting.

Adjusting Bite and Jaw Position

In some cases, retainers can also aid in adjusting the bite and jaw position. Certain types of dental retainers can be designed to help modify the position of the jaw, promoting better bite alignment and improving overall oral function.

Preventing Grinding and Other Issues

Clear plastic retainers can serve a dual purpose by also acting as night guards for individuals who grind their teeth at night. This additional benefit can help protect the teeth from excessive wear and reduce the risk of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.

Care and Maintenance of Dental Retainers

Proper care and maintenance of dental retainers are essential to ensure their effectiveness and longevity. Here are some general guidelines for keeping retainers in optimal condition.

Cleaning Instructions

  • Hawley and Clear Plastic Retainers: Brush your retainer with a toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste after every meal. Avoid using hot water as it can warp the plastic. Soaking the retainer in a denture or retainer cleaning solution once a day can also help keep it clean and free of bacteria.
  • Fixed Retainers: Maintain excellent oral hygiene by brushing and flossing around the retainer. Special floss threaders can help clean around the wire effectively. Regular dental check-ups are also essential to monitor the condition of the fixed retainer and ensure there is no buildup of plaque or tartar.

Handling and Storage

  • Hawley and Clear Plastic Retainers: Always store in dental retainer case / box when not in use to prevent loss or damage. Avoid placing it in napkins or loose in bags where it can be easily thrown away or broken.
  • Fixed Retainers: While fixed retainers do not need to be stored, it’s crucial to avoid biting into hard or sticky foods that can dislodge or damage the dental retainer wire.

Regular Check-ups

Visit your orthodontist regularly to check the condition of your retainer and make any necessary adjustments. This ensures that the retainer continues to fit well and effectively maintain teeth alignment.

Common Concerns and Solutions

Discomfort and Soreness

It’s common to experience some discomfort when first wearing a retainer. This usually subsides after a few days. If soreness persists, consult your orthodontist to adjust the fit of the retainer.

Speech Difficulties

Initially, retainers can affect speech, causing a lisp or difficulty pronouncing certain words. Practicing speaking aloud, reading, or singing can help you adjust more quickly.

Loss or Damage

If you lose or break your retainer, contact your orthodontist immediately. Delaying the replacement can result in teeth shifting back to their original positions.

Allergic Reactions

Some individuals may experience allergic reactions to the materials used in retainers. If you notice any unusual symptoms, such as persistent sore throat, rash, or swelling, inform your orthodontist to explore alternative materials or solutions.


Understanding the importance and functionality of dental retainers is crucial for maintaining the results of orthodontic treatments. Whether choosing a Hawley retainer, a clear plastic retainer, or a fixed retainer, it is important to consider the dental retainer cost, which can range from Rs.5000/- to Rs.16,000/- depending on the type and material. Proper care and regular check-ups can ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your retainer. By staying informed about the benefits, care requirements, and costs, you can make a well-rounded decision to preserve your beautiful, well-aligned smile for years to come.

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